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How my coaching is different

Like most coaches, I focus on desired outcomes. I help you, the client, set achievable goals and develop tasks and action plans to get what you want, personally and professionally. I partner with you in a collaborative, confidential, and mutually accountable relationship. You remain the expert on your own career and life, while I serve as a facilitator and expert in the process.  


That said, my coaching is exceptional for three primary reasons:  

1.    I practice evidence-based coaching
2.    I have a Masters Degree in Coaching Psychology
3.    I have experience as a business leader

Evidence-based Coaching

My practice of evidence-based coaching relies on models, theories and techniques that have been proven through empirical research and the rigor of peer review.  I take a pragmatic, whole-life approach that combines these fruits of academia with my base knowledge from coaching and business experience.  Many coaches rely exclusively on professional wisdom, personal and shared, without the benefit of empirical evidence. 

Coaching Psychology

Most people think of psychology as focusing on problems – mental illness, depression, strife, and despair. Coaching Psychology, a form of applied positive psychology, turns that perspective upside down. It uses the knowledge we’ve gained from studying the human mind to help people live happier, more successful lives. Coaching Psychology focuses on the future, not the past.

At the University of Sydney, I studied with Dr. Anthony Grant, founder of the modern movement of evidence-based coaching psychology. My master’s degree in Coaching Psychology provides me with a robust toolset that most other coaches don’t have.  Solid grounding in psychological and coaching concepts, models, and theories (see my coaching toolbox) allows me to help my clients recognize and overcome what is holding them back in order to move forward toward their desired outcomes.

To download my comparison of the University of Sydney Masters Degree in Coaching Psychology vs ICF Certification, please click here.  Please note that I'm not claiming ICF certification is inferior, but I find this document helpful when discussing certification and my qualification.

Business Experience

I've been in business for almost 30 years.  I've managed budgets, teams, and sales targets my entire career.  I've transformed businesses, developed direct reports to promotion, and even had to bear the pain of cutting headcount and laying people off.  I've been relocated between states and countries for jobs, and I know just how disruptive that can be.  I've also been promoted to the executive suite where the strengths I'd been rewarded for my whole career no longer served me well, and I had to adapt to new expectations.  

I bring all this experience to my practice.  I've walked in your shoes, and I’m a more effective coach because I can apply specific insights and empathy to your situation.

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